Publications: East Asian Culture in Perspective

Period 2009-2013

Academic book chapters


  • Dessein, B. (2016): “Historical Narrative, Remembrance, and the Ordering of the World: A Historical Assessment of China’s International Relations”, in China’s International Roles: Challenging or Supporting International Order?, in S. Harnisch, S. Bersick en J. Gottwald (uitgs). New York: Routledge, pp.22-37.
  • Niehaus A. , Tagsold C.  (2016, eds.):"Diaspora and Disaster 3/11 as a Starting Point of Connecting both Fields of Research." In Niehaus, Andreas; Tagsold, Christian (eds.): Diaspora and DisasterJapanese Outside Japan and the Triple Catastrophy of March 2011. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press (= Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung 1), 2016, 7-12. 

    Niehaus A. , Walravens T. (2016):"“Even if it is Just a Little Help for the Victims from the Distant Belgium": Japanese Nationals in Belgium and the 3/11 Triple Disaster." In Niehaus, Andreas; Tagsold, Christian (eds.): Diaspora and DisasterJapanese Outside Japan and the Triple Catastrophy of March 2011. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press (= Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung 1), 37-60. 


  • Campagnola, F. (2015) Machiavelli in Giappone (Machiavelli in Japan), in: Enciclopedia Machiavelliana (ed. by Gennaro Sasso), Treccani.
  • Niehaus, Andreas (2015): '"We are children of the sea". Swimming as Performative Tradition in Modernizing Japan.' In: Boschung, Dieter; Busch, Alexandra W.; Versluys, Miguel, John (eds.): Reinventing 'The Invention of Tradition'? Indigenous Pasts and the Roman Present. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink (=Morphomata vol. 32), 19-43.
  • Niehaus, A., Walravens, T. (2015): "Home Work: Post-Fukushima Constructions of furusato by Japanese Nationals Living in Belgium. In: Kläger, Florian; Stiersdorfer, Klaus (eds.): Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging. Berlin/ Boston: De Gruyter 2015, 123-145. (together with Tine Walravens)


  • Dessein, B. (2014): “Introduction”, in Interpreting China as a Regional and Global Power: Nationalism and Historical Consciousness in World Politics, B. Dessein (uitg.). Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-4.
  • Dessein, B. (2014):, “All-under-heaven and the Chinese Nation-state”, in Interpreting China as a Regional and Global Power: Nationalism and Historical Consciousness in World Politics, B. Dessein (uitg.). Palgrave Macmillan, pp .64-79.
  • Dessein, B. (2014): “Epilogue”, in Interpreting China as a Regional and Global Power: Nationalism and Historical Consciousness in World Politics, B. Dessein (uitg.). Palgrave Macmillan, pp.324-333.
  • Van den Stock, A. (2014): "History and Historical Consciousness in Contemporary China: Political Confucianism, Spiritual Confucianism, and the Politics of Spirit", In B. Dessein (ed.): Interpreting China as a Regional and Global Power. Nationalism and Historical Consciousness in World Politics. Palgrave Macmilan, pp. 44-63.
  • Walravens, T. (2014): ‘Diversifying narratives: Perceptions of a weak Japan facing a rising China’, in Dessein, B. (ed.): Interpreting China as a Regional and Global Power: Nationalism and Historical Consciousness in World Politics, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 120-141.


  • Dessein, B. (2013):  “从历史研究到文化认同 : 问题域的展开与超越” (Cong lishi yanjiu dao wenhua rentong: wenti yu de zhankai yu chaoyue). In Li, Man. 元代传播 考 - 概貌,问题及限度 (Yuandai chuanbo kao - gaimao, wenti ji xiandu), Beijing: Beijing University Press, pp.11-15.
  • Dessein, B. (2013): “马克思主义与新儒家的兴起 (Makesi zhuyi yu xin rujia de xingqu)”, in 马克思主义美学研究 Makesi zhuyi meixue yanjiu, Wang jie (ed.), Beijing: Zhongyang bianyi chubanshe, pp.23-39.
  • De Winter, W. with Parmentier, J. (2013): "Factorijen en Forten. Zuid-Nederlanders in achttiende-eeuws India". In: Goddeeris I. (ed.), Het wiel van Ashoka : Belgisch-Indiase contacten in historisch perpectief, Leuven: Lipsius, 35-50.
  • Niehaus, A. (2013): '"So gibt es nichts Schändlicheres, als illiterat zu sein" - Zur Literalität der Kriegerklasse (bushi) im frühmodernen Japan.' In: Boesken, Gesine; Schaffers, Uta (Hg.): Lektüren 'bilden': Lesen - Bildung - Vermittlung. Festschrift für Erich Schön. Münster: LIT Verlag, 199-218.


  • Dessein, B. (2012): "Nieuw Confucianisme en het 'Mandaat van de Hemel'", Mededelingen der Zittingen. Koninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Wetenschappen/Bulletin des Séances. Academie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer 58 (2-4), pp.261-278.
  • Niehaus, A. (2012): '"Bird never nest in bare tree." ‑ Überlegungen zu einer praxisorientierten Kulturwissenschaft am Beispiel des Haare Machens in der japanischen Kultur.' In: Niehaus, Andreas; Weber, Chantal (ed.): Reisen, Dialoge, Begegnungen. Münster: LIT Verlag, 107-119.


  • Dessein, B. (2011). "A New Confucian Social Harmony" in From dog to rabbit. 5 years China Platform. Universiteit Gent, pp.72-77.
  • Niehaus, A. (2011). Orinpikku he to itaru jûdô no ayumi. In: Committee for the Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Jigoro Kano Kigai (ed.). Kigai to kôdô no kyôikusha: Kanô Jigorô. Tsukuba: Tsukuba University Press, 223-240.
  • Niehaus, A. (2011). Yôroppa ni okeru budô he no kitai.' In: Committee for the Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Jigoro Kano Kigai (ed.). Kigai to kôdô no kyôikusha: Kanô Jigorô. Tsukuba: Tsukuba University Press, 275-285.
  • Niehaus, A. (2011). “Spreading Olympism and the Olympic Movement in Japan ‑ Interpreting Universal Values“. In: Brownell, S.; Kelly, W. (ed.). The Olympics in East Asia. New Haven: Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University, 75-93.
  • Schottenhammer, A., “Brokers and “Guild” (huiguan 會館) Organizations in the Sino-Japanese Copper Trade during the Qing Dynasty”, Chapter 9 of Billy So Kee Long, Harriet Zurndorfer (eds.), 明清時期江南市場經濟的空間、制度與網絡 The Market Economy of the Lower Yangzi Delta in Late Imperial China: Space, Institutions and Networks. (London: Routledge, 2011) (accepted)
  • Schottenhammer, A., “China im Umbruch – Der ökonomische Motor Ostasiens als ‘Reich unter Gleichen’”, in Angela Schottenhammer, Peter Feldbauer (eds.), globalgeschichte im 10.-13. Jahrhundert. Wien, Essen: Mandelbaumverlag, 2011) (in print)
  • Uhl, Ch.: 福泽谕吉和宫崎滔天自传里的现代性与历史, 《民族认同与历史意识: 审视近现 代日本与中国的历史学与现代性国际学术研讨会论文集》,复旦大学文史研究院、荷兰莱顿大学东亚研究中心、日本东京大学哲学研究中心共同主编,中华书局,2011年出版 ("Modernity and History in the Autobiographies of Fukuzawa Yukichi and Miyazaki Tôten", in: A Collection of Essays for the Conference: History, Identity and the Future in Modern East Asia: Interrogating History and Modernity in Japan and China, edited by the Institute of Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan University; the Modern East Asia Research Centre, Leiden University; the University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy, forthcoming (Beijing: Zhonghua shudian, 2011) (accepted)
  • Uhl, Ch.: "Takeuchi Yoshimi: 'Japan's Asianism', 1963", excerpt and commentary, in: Pan-Asianism: A Documentary HistoryVolume 2: 1920 - Present, edited by Sven Saaler und Christopher W. A. Szpilman (Plymouth UK: Rowman and Littlefield, 2011), pp. 307 - 317.


  • Niehaus, A.; Braun, J.. (2010). 'Leben und Werk Kaibara Ekikens: Anmerkungen zur praktischen Lebenspflege im Japan der frühen Edo-Periode (1600-1867).' In: Niehaus, A.; Braun, J. (ed. and transl.). Kaibara Ekiken: Yōjōkun - Regeln zur Lebenspflege (pp. 5-19) Iudicium. 
  • Schottenhammer, A. (2010). Annotation of the Ryukyu-chapters of Fernão Mendes Pinto. In J. Santos Alves (Ed.), Fernão Mendes Pinto and the Peregrinação. Studies, Restored Portuguese Text, Notes and Indexes (pp. 180-186): Fondação Oriente.
  • Schottenhammer, A. (2010). Characteristics of Qing China’s Maritime Trade Politics, Shunzhi through Early Qianlong Reigns. In A. Schottenhammer (Ed.), Trading Networks in Early Modern East Asia (Vol. 9, pp. 101-154): Otto Harrassowitz.
  • Schottenhammer, A. (2010). The Liao 遼 Period (907-1127) Xuanhua 宣化-Tomb Complex (11th/12th centuries): an example of cultural and religious diversity and assimilation. In A. Herrmann-Pfandt (Ed.), Moderne Religionsgeschichte im Gespräch. Festschrift für Christoph Elsas. (pp. 239-260): E. B. Verlag.
  • Schottenhammer, A. (2010). The transfer of Xiangyao 香藥 from Iran and Arabia to China – A Reinvestigation of Entries in the Youyang zazu 酉陽雜俎 (863). In R. Kauz (Ed.), Interaction on the Maritime Silk Road: From the Persian Gulf to the East China Sea (Vol. 10, pp. 117-149): Otto Harrassowitz.


  • Niehaus, A. (2009). Lehrgedichte (kyōka) als Medien der Tradierung von Körper-Wissen. In R. F. Wittkamp (Ed.), Erinnerungsgeflechte Text, Bild, Stimme, Körper - Medien des kulturellen Gedächtnisses im vormodernen Japan (pp. 105-121): Iudicium Verlag.
  • Seinsch, M. (2009): Einführung. In: Seinsch, Max (transl.). Yamamoto Jôchô: Hagakure, Stuttgart: Reclam Verlag 2009.
  • Ono, J. (2009). Grund des Ungrundes or Transformation between the Manifested and Unmanifested. In H. Shiba & T. Watanabe (Eds.), Crossing Points of East and West (知のエクスプロジョン ― 東洋と西洋の交差) (pp. 52-62): Hokuju Shuppan.
  • Uhl, C. (2009). Der Buddhismus und die Moderne am Beispiel der Philosophie Nishida Kitaros. In B. Kellner & S. Weigelin-Schwiedrzik (Eds.), Denkt Asien anders? Reflexionen über Konfuzianismus und Buddhismus in Indien, Tibet, China und Japan (pp. 121-158): Vienna University Press.
  • Uhl, C. (2009). Lu Xun - Huxley - Nietzsche: A Footnote to a Familiar Subject. In T. Nakajima (Ed.), Whither Japanese Philosophy? Reflexions Through Other Eyes (Vol. 11, pp. 141-168): The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy.

Articles in international journals


  • De Winter, W. (2015): "Perspectives for a Comparative Cultural History of Ostend Company Interactions in Bengal and China". In: Crossroads - Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World, Großheirath: Ostasien Verlag, vol. 10 (forthcoming)
  • De Winter, W. (2015): Inventing Exoticism. Geography, Globalism, and Europe's Early Modern World. (By Benjamin Schmidt. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015.) In: ?Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis?, 2015 : vol. 2 (book review)
  • De Winter, W. (2015): Werkers van de wereld. Globalisering, arbeid en interculturele ontmoetingen tussen Aziatische en Europese zeelieden in dienst van de VOC, 1600-1800. (By Matthias van Rossum. Hilversum, Verloren, 2014.) In: Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 2015 : vol. 1 (book review)
  • De Winter, W. (2014):"Hofrituelen en koloniale recuperatie van de Oostendse Compagnie in 18e eeuws Bengalen en China? (tl. Courtly rituals and colonial recuperation of the Ostend Company in 18th century Bengal and China)". In: Handelingen van de Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis, Langemark, LXVIIITorck, M. (2015): "Lo Jung-pang (auth.), Bruce A. Elleman (ed.). China As A Sea Power: 1127-1368. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, 2013.", Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (book review) (forthcoming)
  • B. Dessein (2015), “A Confucian Constitutional Order. How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future. By Jiang Qing. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-691-15460-2”, Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41/1, pp.214-217 (book review).
  • Ma, Guang (2015): “The Shandong Peninsula in Northeast Asian Maritime History during the Yuan-Ming Transition”(in English), in Crossroads – Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World, Vol. 10, (forthcoming).
  • Ma, Guang (2015): “Study on the Year of Establishment of Coastal Guards and Battalions in Shandong in the Early Ming Dynasty”(in Chinese), in Journal of Chinese Historical Geography, (forthcoming).
  • Ma, Guang (2015): “Wokou Raiding Activities and the Coastal Defence System of Shandong in the early Ming Dynasty”(in English), in National Maritime Research, Vol. 11, pp. 73–108.


  • Campagnola, F. (2014): The Shifting Place of Madness in Modernizing Japan. An Interview with Kazushige Shingu, in: «Rivista di psicologia clinica/Review of Clinical Psychology» 1, (with Fiorella Bucci).
  • Campagnola, F. (2014): Un Rinascimento giapponese. Hayashi Tatsuo e la forma trascendentale di una nuova vita (A Japanese Renaissance. Hayashi Tatsuo and the Trascendental Form of a New Life), in: «Bruniana e Campanelliana», XX, 1.
  • Campagnola, F. (2014):「文芸共和国」の分断──学問の共同体における制度と個人の関係(The Republic of Letters Breaking up. Institutions and Personal Relationships in the Community of Knowledge)』, in: «Diaphanes», I, 1.
  • Dessein, B. (2014): “Faith and Politics: (New) Confucianism as Civil Religion”, in Asian Studies II (XVIII), 1, pp.39-64.
  • Dessein, B. (2014): “Religion in der Volksrepublik China. Eine historische Betrachtung”, Tibet und Buddhismus. 108/1, pp.38-41.
  • M. Matthyssen and B. Dessein (2014): “Self-asurance and Self-denial: Repositioning the Individual in Contemporary Chinese Society”, Synthesis Philosophica 29/1 (special issue), pp.123-141.
  • Ma, Guang (2014): “Smuggling and Anti-Smuggling in the Pearl River Delta of China, 1858-1911”(in Chinese), in Modern Chinese History Studies, Vol.6, pp. 101–123.
  • Ma, Guang (2014): “Monopoly System of Taipa and Coloane and Its Influence in the Late Qing Dynasty”(in Chinese), in Haidao huilan, Vol. 6, pp. 32–36
  • Ma, Guang (2014): “The Importation and Taxation of Foreign Opium in Guangdong in the Late Qing and Early Republican China”(in Chinese), in National Maritime Research, Vol. 6, pp. 103–112.
  • Van den Stock, A. (2014): "Substance and Discontinuity: Tang Junyi and Mou Zongshan with and against Modernity", Synthesis Philosophica (in press).


  • Campagnola, F. (2013):『自己、社会、そして神に反して──哲学・法学・文学に見る一八世紀イタリアの自殺論 (Against Oneself, Society, and God. Theories on Suicide in Eighteenth Century Italy’s Philosophy, Jurisprudence and Literature) 』, in: Gendai Shisō (現代思想), XLI, 7 (2013).
  • Dessein, B. (2013): “Marksizem in vzpon konfucijanizma v sodobni Kitajski” Filosofski Vestnik XXXIV/1, pp.131-151. (Special issue: Transformacije modern misli o Kitajski grosseteste)
  • Dessein, B. (2013), “A Diplomatic Parable”, in Diplomatic World 40, Nov. 2013, p.21.
  • Dessein, B. (2013): “When Li Ao met Yao Shan. Beyond Traveling and Traveling Beyond”. Zhongguo Yanjiu, Revista de Estudos Chineses IX, 2013, pp.47-67.
  • Dessein, B. (2013): “马克思主义与新儒家” (Makesi zhuyi yu xin rujia.), 马克思主义美学研究 (Makesi zhuyi meixue yanjiu. The Journal of Research on Marxist Aesthetics) 16/2.
  • De Winter, W. (2013): "A Reflection on Cultural Interaction Through European-Chinese Relations in Seventeenth-Century Hirado: Gift-giving in a Context of Blurred Borders between Social Relations, Trade and Smuggling" Crossroads: Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World, Großheirath: Ostasien Verlag, 7, 95-120.
  • De Winter, W. (2013): "Gift-Exchange as a Means of 'Handling Diversity': Japanese-European Interactions in the Seventeenth Century" Handling Diversity. Comparative Perspectives on Medieval and Early-Modern India and Europe. (Theme Issue), The Medieval History Journal, 16.2, London/Los Angeles/New Delhi: Sage Publications, 565-583.
  • Walravens, T. (2014): ‘Japan Facing a Rising China: Implications on the Dynamics of Identity Formation.  Food safety as a framework.’,  Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia, No. 26, Warsaw: Askon Publishers.


  • Dessein, B. (2012): "Beyond Modernity: Chinese Self-identification in the Era of Globalisation". Zhongguo Yanjiu, pp.23-41.
  • Dessein, B. (2012): "Yan Xuetong. Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012." Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39/4, pp.637-641 (book review)
  • Niehaus, A.; Schaffers, U. (2012): '"Suzume odoru ya - Die Spatzen tanzen" ‑ Einige Überlegungen zum Sperling (suzume) in der Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte.' In: Hiyoshi Kiyô, No. 49, 31-74.


  • Dessein, B. (2011): "Cultural and Political Nationalism, and the Creation of a 'Harmonious Society". Zhongguo Yanjiu, pp.41-67.
  • Niehaus, A. (2011). Swimming into Memory: The Los Angeles Olympics (1932) as Japanese Lieu de Mémoire. SPORT IN SOCIETY, Routledge, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2011, 430-442.
  • Niehaus, A., Tagsold, Christian (2011). Remembering the Glory Days of the Nation: Sport as lieu de mémoire in Japan. In: SPORT IN SOCIETY, Routledge, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2011, 403-411.
  • Niehaus, A. (2011). Kyoka ni okeru shisô: Shintai no kioku to pafomatibu na chi no denpa. Contemporary Sport Critique (Gendai Supôtsu Hyôron), Vol. 25, Nov. 2011 (accepted).
  • Schottenhammer, A. (2011). Review of François Gipouloux, La Méditerranée asiatique. Villes portuaires et réseaux marchands en Chine, au Japon et en Asie du Sud-Est, XVIe-XXIe siècle. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2009, in T’oung Pao (2011) (in print)


  • Dessein, B. (2010): "Jana S. Rosker. Searching for the Way. Theory of Knowledge in Premodern and Modern China. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2008, xvi + 356 pp. ISBN 978962-996-327-9. 52 US $", Philosophy East and West 60/1, pp.130-133 (book review)
  • Niehaus, A. (2010). Modernization and identity creation (1868-1920) : the evolution of competitive swimming in Japan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SPORT, 27(3), 505-522.
  • Schottenhammer, A. (2010). Brokers and 'Guild' (huiguan 會館) Organizations in China’s Maritime Trade with her Eastern Neighbours during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Crossroads - Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian world, 1/2(Sept. 2010), 99-150.
  • Schottenhammer, A. (2010). Corredores y ‘gremios’ (huiguan 會館) en el comercio marítimo chino con sus vecinos del este durante las dinastías Ming y Qing. Estudios de Asia y África, XLV(143 (3)), 567-622.
  • Schottenhammer, A. (2010). Review of Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, Kleine Geschichte Chinas. München: C. H. Beck 2008. Historische Zeitschrift (HZ) 290, 713–714.
  • Schottenhammer, A. (2010). Review of Leonard Blussé, Visible Cities. Canton, Nagasaki, and Batavia and the Coming of the Americans. Xi +133, 1 map, index (Cambridge, Mass., London: Harvard University Press, 2008). Social History 35:1, 119–120.


  • Uhl, C. (2009). Displacing Japan: Takeuchi Yoshimi's Lu Xun in Light of Nishida's Philosophy, and Vice Versa. POSITIONS-EAST ASIA CULTURES CRITIQUE, 17(1), 207-238.

Academic monographs


  • Niehaus, A. (2010. ) Leben und Werk Kanō Jigorōs. Ein Beitrag zur Leibeserziehung und zum Sport in Japan. Ergon Verlag (Überarbeitete Neuauflage)


  • Torck, M. (2009). Avoiding the Dire Straits (Vol. 5): Harrassowitz Verlag.

Edited and / or translated academic books


Niehaus, Andreas; Tagsold, Christian (2016, eds.): Diaspora and DisasterJapanese Outside Japan and the Triple Catastrophy of March 2011 Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press (= Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung 1).


  • Niehaus, Andreas; Hosoi, Naoko (2015, ed. en vert.): Nishitani Osamu: Wunderland der Unsterblichkeit. München: Iudicium.


  • Dessein, B. (2014, ed.)d: Interpreting China as a Regional and Global Power: Nationalism and Historical Consciousness in World Politics, London: Palgrave Macmillan.


  • Niehaus, A.; Tagsold, Ch. (2012 ed.): Sport, Memory, and Nationhood in Japan: Remembering the Glory Days. Oxon, New York: Routledge (= Sport in Global Society - Contemporary Perspectives).
  • Niehaus, A.; Weber, Ch. (2012 ed.): Reisen, Dialoge, Begegnungen. Festschrift für Franziska Ehmcke. Münster: LIT Verlag.


  • Schottenhammer, A. (ed.). Taiwan – A Bridge between the East and the South China Sea. Harrassowitz.
  • Feldbauer, P.  and Schottenhammer, A. (ed.). Globalgeschichte 1000-1250. Mandelbaum Verlag


  • Niehaus, A.; Braun, J. (ed. and transl.). Kaibara Ekiken: Yōjōkun - Regeln zur Lebenspflege. Iudicium.
  • Schottenhammer, A. (ed.). Trading Networks in Early Modern East Asia. 2010. Edited by A. Schottenhammer. Vol. 9: Otto Harrassowitz.


  • Seinsch, Max (transl.): Yamamoto Jôchô: Hagakure, Stuttgart: Reclam Verlag 2009.


Niehaus, A. (2010. )Leben und Werk Kanō Jigorōs. Ein Beitrag zur Leibeserziehung und zum Sport in Japan. Ergon Verlag (Überarbeitete Neuauflage)